Wednesday, August 15, 2012


A busy week that's a bit backloaded.  We cruised into Monday with not much on the agenda besides some time with friends and a few library visits. Now I find myself on Wednesday night with an extremely packed docket: an interview tomorrow, flying back to the midwest on Friday, only to return on Sunday morning.  Our girl is, by now, a seasoned traveler, but it will be interested to see how the bigger folks adjust to less sleep and less routine.  We are a family that thrives on a regular rhythm to our days, and as wonderful as it will be to reconnect with family and friends this weekend, there will be very little downtime.

I should, say, too, that with the interview tomorrow, there seems to be change afoot.  I'm not quite sure what that will look like, or how extreme it will be, but it makes me cling to the current cadence of our days even more.  How often does it take a major change looming to make us appreciate the present?


  1. That is so true about change making us appreciate the "right now." Hoping your change brings you all good things :)

  2. Good luck with both the possible changes and the flying!
